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Mani IPR Dia Burs Inter Proximal Reduction (5 BURS)

Mani IPR Dia Burs Inter Proximal Reduction (5 BURS)


Product details

PACK OF 5 BURS @ 695 RS.


Interproximal reduction (IPR) is a precise dental procedure involving the removal of a very small portion of enamel in the interproximal spaces. It is commonly used in orthodontic treatment to address crowding and create space for tooth movement. the procedure ensures minimal enamel removal. This meticulous approach allows for precise alignment of teeth and enhances smile aesthetics. 


IPR burs are finely crafted diamond burs designed for the precise removal of enamel in orthodontic procedures such as interproximal reduction, stripping, and Invisalign. With sizes ranging from 0.19 to 0.44 mm, these burs ensure easy handling and exceptional results.

Compared to IPR discs and strips, IPR burs outshine as the superior choice. They offer faster and more precise procedures while minimizing the risk of harm to teeth and gums. The controlled enamel removal achieved by IPR burs guarantees optimal treatment outcomes and enhances patient comfort.


  • Less stress to patients due to reduce chair time.
  • Less gingival irritation.
  • Optimal cutting length allows full tooth preperation at one go.
  • Fine adjustment possible even with bracket attached.
  • Perfect shaping for orthodontic aligners placement.


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